we can look back at the women of crete - who bound their middles in iron to achieve twelve-inch waists (quite a shame...i must say) with pity as we pull on our stretchy polyester sausage-casings...so...if you've always wanted a bustline like gina lollobrigida...or hips like a ballet dancer...or a stomach that's as flat as a pool table...body-sculpting underwear will get you close...if not all the way there...
look for dress slips that slim your hips and your tummy...panties that uplift your buttocks...shorts that hide your hips...thighs...and underwear lines under tight-fitting pants and skirts...
it's about making the best of what you have...and who knows? once you've stuffed and sculpted and shaped to your heart's content on the inside...maybe you'll feel confident enough to try a new style on the outside...
so what is your favorite body shaper?

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