Thursday, February 28, 2013

when it comes to color...

...let nature be your inspiration...

i just recently started a new obsession...pinterest...i know...a total late bloomer...but i knew that it could become a complete time i stayed away...but i realized how easy it would be for me to keep all my inspiration in outfits and colors and ideas...all in one place...where as before my pinterest days...i kept pics from magazines and such in about paper i succumbed...feel free to follow me...lots of fashion ideas...and other fun things...

one of my pinterest boards is called "color inspiration"...while not full yet...this is where i like to keep color combinations that i think would be great in an outfit...when i look at the binders i have of color doesn't surprise me how much of it is from pics of nature... a great way to find color inspiration...take the pic above for example...these colors are perfect together...and while i can't wear least close to my face...i am determined to work this color combination into an outfit...

how does it work?  lets take an example of a dried up riverbed...if you stare at it for a will notice many different shades of grey...mixing shades of a color is a great way to be artistic in your wardrobe ensembles...those riverbed colors of dove grey, cement, clay, and gunmetal would look fabulous all matter what separates or accessories you choose...they'll be beautiful and harmonious can try this with different shades of brown...think of a box of mixed chocolates...or shades of green that can't be missed on a nice walk around the lake...

what parts of nature have inspired you to create an outfit?  feel free to share...

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

when one is not enough...

one of my very dear friends...and a very devoted reader of this blog...sent me this pic last week...while she was in town a few weeks ago...visiting from oregon...we decided to do a little shopping after our lunch...seems the normal thing to do...right?  

we got on the subject of flats...and i of course mentioned hugh hefner slippers...and she of course knew exactly what i was talking i had recently written a blog post titled:  slippers hugh hefner style...

we spotted a great pair...that i forced asked nicely for her to try on...while they were simply adorable on her...they weren't comfy enough...but i told her...that she needed to keep that was a great look for her...

so back to last week...linda sends me this pic via text...with the following message...

"new purchase - thanks for the tips...and yes - i did need both pairs"

i would have to agree...good job linda!  both will be a great addition to your spring wardrobe...pattern is always a good way to go for a little fun in your step...

Monday, February 25, 2013

you had me at hello: in perfect black & white...

while i was obsessed with all of marc jacobs runway collection for ss 2013 ...i mean it was all black & white stripes...les sigh...but i seriously could not contain myself...when i saw these shoes...hello belong in my closet...immediately...

Friday, February 22, 2013

fashion funnies: i thought you were done...

to continue with last weeks fashion funnies post...i had to add one more to the subject of our furry friends eating up our shoes...don't you just want to squish this fur ball to pieces?  poor baby...

enjoy your weekend...and give your furry friends an extra hug or two...

Thursday, February 21, 2013

men's corner: the art of shoe shining...

while i am always harping on how shoes can make or break an outfit...i have to take it one step further...while you may be sporting a great pair of shoes...if they are scuffed...and dull...that great pair of shoes...doesn't look so great...

found this wonderful video by the wonderful mr. remember men...make sure your shoes are shined...

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

slippers hugh hefner style...

while hugh hefner is known mostly for things i could really care less thing that stands his lounge robes and those them smoking slippers...loafers...they are coming out with some great choices...studs...stripes...embellishments...while they have been out for a while now...i am still out hunting for the right pair...for me...

have you tried them yet?  are they part of your every day wear?  i know for sure i want a leopard print pair...which you would think would be easy...but i haven't spotted (no pun intended) any that speak to me...yet...

while perusing the internets...i came across this lovely pair...what a great addition to a spring wardrobe...don't you think?  i may just have to snag me a pair...while i was only planning on getting me one pair of hugh hefner like slippers...i just may change the number to two...or maybe three...

darby printed loafer
j crew

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

how to add some emerald green to your life...

if you haven't heard...emerald green is the color of 2013...and as with any color...depending on how much you like it blends with your skin color...etc...there are ways of incorporating it into your wardrobe in small and big doses...

here are some options for you...something as simple as a cotton tee...even better with a bit of sequins thrown in...if you want to go a little dressier...opt for a silky blouse in emerald green...will look great with your basic black...add some gold baubles...and you are set...

petite paillette statement cotton tee
ann taylor loft
a fun dress for the office or dinner fun to be in this vibrant color...or mix things up even more...stand out while everyone is wearing their little black dresses...opt for your very own little emerald green dress...

michael kors double face stretch wool sheath

who remembers the fabulous earrings that angelina jolie was wearing at an awards show...they were magnificent...whether you sport some fabulous earrings...or a beautiful can't go wrong...they will make brown eyes look deeper...and enhance green and blue eyes...
photo source

speaking of is a perfect color to wear in a handbag or emerald green belt will add a little something something to your outfit...and of course...a scarf with this beautiful color will be a stand out piece as well...

are you getting the picture??  the ways are endless...

and last but certainly not least...try wearing a shade of emerald on your nails...your manicured nails will be the main attraction...and no need to worry about them matching your clothing pieces...

photo source
how are you planning to bring the color of the year into your wardrobe?

Friday, February 15, 2013

fashion funnies: it was me...

while i have never had a dog as a pet (one day...) i do have a cat...who thinks he is a dog...and yes...he has chewed up a pair of shoes...and he went for an expensive pair...

i guess i can look at it two ways... cat chewed up my shoe...
or least he has good taste based on the shoe he chose...

yes...he was treats for days...
and i make a conscious effort to keep my shoes in the closet...always...

look at this face?
how can you be mad for long?

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

exchanging bad habits for good habits...

truth be told...we all have a few bad habits...and we know that a habit is formed by doing something over and think about your bad habits...the way to get rid of to replace them with another habit...a good habit...

in my newsletter last month...i used it as a time to reflect on the new with the new...out with the old...but these habits need to be it is so easy to slip back into an old being that february is the month of love...and a great time to focus on YOU...start nourishing a loving attitude towards yourself...YOU deserve it!

here are some examples to get you started...and if you think of some others...please share them in the comments...we can all use some reminding...and encouragement...right?

old habit:  criticizing your body when trying on clothes that don't flatter your body type
new habit:  discovering clothes that naturally flatter your body type

old habit:  buying random pieces and feeling bad because you never wear them
new habit:  shopping with a purpose and a list

old habit:  throwing on the same old thing day after day
new habit:  taking time to create "new" outfits from your wardrobe and use more of what you already own

old habit:  adding new items to an already stuffed closet
new habit:  having a well-edited closet by eliminating clothes before adding new ones

old habit:  trying to dress younger that you are
new habit:  showcasing your personal best assets and looking great at any age

old habit:  running out the door without your makeup on
new habit:  scheduling enough time to put your best face forward

old habit:  being envious of what others are wearing
new habit:  studying well-dressed women and trying new styling techniques

old habit:  putting on clothes that you "sort-of" like
new habit"  enjoying how you feel in clothes and accessories

and last...but certainly not least...
get out of the habit of feeling stuck...
get into the habit of giving me a call to help you get unstuck

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

inspiration: style is a way...

"style is a way to say who you are without having to speak" ~ rachel zoe

what is your style saying about you?

Monday, February 11, 2013

i have nothing to wear...

one of the most famous lines those who are wealthy...and those on a strict budget..."i have nothing to wear"...heck...if we are being honest...i have said those words...on countless occasions...the thing is...these words are usually spoken while looking into a closet that is full of clothes...

so what gives?

the bottom thing needs to take place...and one thing only...and for most...this is a chore that they avoid...but the problem is not solved...

so whatever the reason...for all those items in your closet...
 - they don't fit...
 - doesn't go with anything else in my closet 
 - they are pieces from my old life
my advice?  take each of those it by section...whatever works for you...but that means...all your dresses...all your get the idea...take them out of hiding...and decide...once and for all...are you ever going to wear them?

if not...consign them...give them to a shelter...donate them...give them to a friend or family member that would enjoy them...but whatever you do...DO NOT put them back in your closet...

and if it is something that you love...but have no idea how to incorporate it into your current wardrobe...ask for help...maybe you have a stylish friend...ask them to help you...or seek a wardrobe my business page on facebook stated today...

"create a wonderful wardrobe without spending a dime on new clothes! book a wardrobe update session and let's 're-style' your current'd be amazed at how many 'new' outfits we can make from clothes you already have and those you don't wear..."

Friday, February 8, 2013

fashion funnies: i have enough...

"i have enough clothes and shoes, i don't need to go shopping", said no woman ever..." =)

enjoy your weekend!

photo source

Thursday, February 7, 2013

men's corner: color matters...

a recent article in gq magazine titled "what you can learn from the most opinionated man in fashion" gives pointers from designer michael kors...starting with self tanner to on the article link above for all his pointers...

what resonated with me...was his point titled 'lastly, know thyself'...michael says..."play to your strengths.  if you have sandy hair, you need ivory, not optic white.  a redhead?  get some green in your closet.  black hair?  you'll look dramatic in black.  cary grant proved that if you have gray hair, you wear gray.  just look at george clooney.  it might sound insane, but it works."

color does matter...and it just takes little simple tricks to make yourself look...well...very put together without looking like you tried...

photo source

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

you had me at hello: floral splendor...

this morning when i opened up an email with the latest from oscar de la renta...i felt an immediate beautiful is this dress?  maybe the fact that it is green?  or floral?  not sure...but it definitely "had me at hello"...

after seeing so much in fashion with a much harder look...think leather, studs is so refreshing to see something that is just plain party anyone?

photo source

Monday, February 4, 2013

going through the accessories...

while i post a lot about going through your closets...and going through your drawers...quite i feel that it is a necessity...not only to remind you of what you have...those items that you haven't worn...because they have somehow moved to the farthest recesses of your closet...

same goes for accessories...

i recently quickly perused through one drawer of mine that holds a lot of my was time to get rid of some of it...and what do you know...while i was looking through this drawer...i came across some pieces that i just forgot about...and realized that i need to do a thorough audit of what i currently have...

for for many...i don't have a lot of space for my baubles...but i have lots of they get crammed in a drawer...because if i stored them out in the i would like room would be taken over by jewelry...

the point is...your accessories need to be analyzed from time to time...this includes your baubles...your scarves...your handbags...pick one and start with just that...for instance...if you start with scarves...take them all out...look them over...start sorting...

 - do they currently go with any of the clothes in your closet?
 - do you have all the scarves you need - think casual, dressy etc?
 - do you have too many of one color?
 - are you missing a key color that would work well with your items in the closet?

one of two things will/should will either find some that you just know you won't be wearing...get rid of reason for them to take up will find some that you had forgotten about...and start rotating them into your wardrobe...

then pick another the with your clothes...everything needs to be looked at...and decided on...whether to keep or donate...

but the funnest when you see pieces that you had forgotten about...and now can proudly wear them...again...

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Friday, February 1, 2013

inspiration: playing dress-up...

"i think that playing dress-up begins at age five 
& never truly ends" 
~ kate spade

enjoy your weekend!!