Monday, February 11, 2013

i have nothing to wear...

one of the most famous lines those who are wealthy...and those on a strict budget..."i have nothing to wear"...heck...if we are being honest...i have said those words...on countless occasions...the thing is...these words are usually spoken while looking into a closet that is full of clothes...

so what gives?

the bottom thing needs to take place...and one thing only...and for most...this is a chore that they avoid...but the problem is not solved...

so whatever the reason...for all those items in your closet...
 - they don't fit...
 - doesn't go with anything else in my closet 
 - they are pieces from my old life
my advice?  take each of those it by section...whatever works for you...but that means...all your dresses...all your get the idea...take them out of hiding...and decide...once and for all...are you ever going to wear them?

if not...consign them...give them to a shelter...donate them...give them to a friend or family member that would enjoy them...but whatever you do...DO NOT put them back in your closet...

and if it is something that you love...but have no idea how to incorporate it into your current wardrobe...ask for help...maybe you have a stylish friend...ask them to help you...or seek a wardrobe my business page on facebook stated today...

"create a wonderful wardrobe without spending a dime on new clothes! book a wardrobe update session and let's 're-style' your current'd be amazed at how many 'new' outfits we can make from clothes you already have and those you don't wear..."

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