Thursday, February 28, 2013

when it comes to color...

...let nature be your inspiration...

i just recently started a new obsession...pinterest...i know...a total late bloomer...but i knew that it could become a complete time i stayed away...but i realized how easy it would be for me to keep all my inspiration in outfits and colors and ideas...all in one place...where as before my pinterest days...i kept pics from magazines and such in about paper i succumbed...feel free to follow me...lots of fashion ideas...and other fun things...

one of my pinterest boards is called "color inspiration"...while not full yet...this is where i like to keep color combinations that i think would be great in an outfit...when i look at the binders i have of color doesn't surprise me how much of it is from pics of nature... a great way to find color inspiration...take the pic above for example...these colors are perfect together...and while i can't wear least close to my face...i am determined to work this color combination into an outfit...

how does it work?  lets take an example of a dried up riverbed...if you stare at it for a will notice many different shades of grey...mixing shades of a color is a great way to be artistic in your wardrobe ensembles...those riverbed colors of dove grey, cement, clay, and gunmetal would look fabulous all matter what separates or accessories you choose...they'll be beautiful and harmonious can try this with different shades of brown...think of a box of mixed chocolates...or shades of green that can't be missed on a nice walk around the lake...

what parts of nature have inspired you to create an outfit?  feel free to share...

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