Wednesday, August 3, 2011

why is it so hard to weed?

...your closet...that is...

there you front of your jam packed've tried to get rid of those items (you know the ones)...really you've torn your closet apart...hardening that heart of yours as you toss everything that doesn't fit...doesn't flatter...or isn't in style anymore to the've even gone as far as having bundled all your rejects and looked up the goodwill phone number...

the problem?

those little voices...crying out to you from the garbage bag..."you can't throw me out! you paid $250 for me and you wore me only once" or "how could you get rid of me? your mother gave me to you for christmas!"

believe me...i've been there...getting rid of clothes...even those you're sure you'll never wear again...can be a difficult task...why is it so hard to part with what are...pieces of clothing just taking up space in our closet?

it truly is a struggle to weed out your own closet...mostly...because there is so much emotion attached to our basically remember what you paid for each item...where you wore it...who gave it to you...

the flip side...getting rid of things that we are not...and won't be utilizing...can be very liberating...but you need someone to tell you how to do it...or you need someone to help you...who will be objective and not emotionally tied to the garments...

for those that truly want to leave the task to a weed out and reorganize the closet...but have that little bit of fear...maybe from watching too many episodes of "what not to wear"...where they feel they will have nothing left to wear...i will share with you how a wardrobe consultant work...

...but you'll have to tune in tomorrow...

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