Thursday, August 4, 2011

what do i do?

yesterdays post was all about our need to weed...and what stops us from doing so...and for many...this could be too overwhelming a task for one to handle...whether it be because you are tied emotionally to your clothes...or maybe because you just aren't quite sure on what to keep and what to get rid of...or just have better things to do...

i've spoken to many who became clients...but it was only after they became clients...they told me that they hesistated in calling me...simply for the fact that they weren't quite sure what it was...i would do...

i joke alot about the whole "what not to wear" idea...where a stylist comes in and gets rid of every shred of clothing...and basically starts anew with a whole new wardrobe...not only is this really far from is also a big bite on ones wallet...

so i thought i would share a little of how i personally work...

before the closet doors are even opened...i like to first sit down and talk with my client...this is the time where i find out what your life activities are...what you like & don't like...what you need...where you want to go with your style...and in this...we work on a style recipe specifically for then gives us a point to work get a handle on your ideal theoretical wardrobe before tackling your actual one...

next we tackle the closet...the right to go through each by one...making decisions of what's in...what's out...what might be possible...

are there pieces that aren't being worn? can we make some outfits out of them...

if needed...we work on ways of creating space in the closet that is needed...or finding creative ways to store your precious items...

a list is made of needed items...and the hunt begins for those...

and therein begins the start of a beautiful relationship...

so for those in the san francisco bay area...if you are ready to begin...let me know...i look forward to working with you...or if you have questions...feel free to contact me...

elena daciuk
fabulous finds
wardrobe consultant/stylist

photo source

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