Tuesday, March 22, 2011

untangling the tangled webs we weave...

so yesterday...the question was asked...do you know what lurks in the tiniest corners of your closet? do you? are you preparing to start in on that massive spring cleaning? i had also mentioned that this should also cover your drawers...leaving no drawers unturned...and if that wasn't enough...there is another area that is often forgotten...but needs that "cleaning" as well...

where might this be? i thought you'd never ask!

your accessories go by the same rules...if it was not a quality treasure when it first came into your life...and all it is doing is cluttering up your jewelry box...i say...toss it...

but we can't quite stop there...accessories include shoes...belts...scarves...you know those old platform shoes...the ones you know that you know that you will never be wearing again? um...why are they taking up room in your closet? that vinyl-trimmed handbag...that flimsy leather belt...that chipped costume jewelry that you never pick up to wear...because of the big ole honking chip...um...why are they taking up room in your closet...in your drawers?

now...i'm not saying to get rid of items that you love...that maybe aren't quite "in" right now...these always have rerun possibilities...and should be considered for storing...

i am specifically talking about all those items that do not complement your image...the one you have worked so hard at...or maybe not...maybe it came naturally to you...i know for me...there are items that are still in great condition...but they are items that i know are not me...anymore...so i choose to get rid of them...and make room for only the things that i know are...

now i have worked with enough clients to know...that...well...unloading friendly old clothes may prove to be somewhat traumatic...for it seems the older the clothes the more sentimental attachment is involved...but be brave...and put sentiment aside...it is actually quite a comfortable feeling to look in your closet and see only wearable clothing..even if that closet is only half full...

photo credit


  1. I hang on to my accessories a lot longer than my clothes. I keep them very organized. It seems that every time I let go of a scarf or a piece of jewelry, I find myself wanting it somewhere down the road to put together a particular outfit. But if you must weed out, resale shops love to get accessories and you can pick up a little cash!!

  2. accessories are definately harder for me to let go...as a lot of mine are vintage...i can usually end up re-using them...whether i layer them with others...for a more statement look...but...i am currently going through...and am amazed at what i have...that i just know will never be used...i would rather donate it...and hopefully someone else will see it as a treasure...and put some good use to it...

  3. I hang onto everything forevah. I am a fashion hoarder!

  4. wendy - i still am amazed when you post an outfit on your blog...and list the year you bought each item...do you have a "fashion" card catalog? =)

  5. Elena, I go based on memory and photographic evidence but I really should write it all down!

  6. amazing...my memory would fail me...i don't even try =)
