Monday, March 21, 2011

do you know what lurks... the tiniest corner of your closet? those items that you haven't even pulled out for months...years...decades? could there be forgotten treasures? or perhaps...pieces of the past that need to be let go?

we would be at cross purposes to let our enthusiasm for creating a new spring wardrobe either divert our attention from the potential chic of some of the garments in our current wardrobe...or cause us to overlook the possibility of long-forgotten treasures hidden away in the back recesses of our closets...or crated and stored in the attic...

and since the 2nd day of spring...what better time to talk about spring cleaning? before you activate your new spring wardrobe is a good idea to go through every last stitch of clothing you already own...yes...every one...and that includes...leaving no drawers unturned...and try to assess the value and serviceability of each is highly probable that you own some clothes that can be successfuly is...into your new spring wardrobe and others that can be altered...restyled...reaccessorized and generally renovated to accommodate your current style...

the probability...of even higher that during your thorough investigation you will come across other old clothes that have simply outlived their usefulness...and that is really ok...these items should be immediately removed from the closet and/or drawers and donated to your favorite charitable organization...there is no sense in keeping them around and deluding yourself that you have a full working wordrobe when in fact...none of it is wearable...

so are you ready to begin your operation spring cleaning?

photo source


  1. Since I started to lose weight, I have begun to take clothes out to is always good to have a donate pile and a resale pile!!

  2. pam - absolutely the right thing to do!!
