Tuesday, January 22, 2013

the little dictionary of fashion...

i first heard about this book from a colleague...and since then...have not only gotten it for myself...but for several friends and clients...written by christian dior..."the little dictionary of fashion" is a guide to dress sense for every woman...a great little book to pick up...full of lovely fashion tips...but what i wanted to share from this lovely book...is the introduction that is written in the book...

it basically sums up what i believe...quite simply...no matter what income status you are at...it is not about how much you spend on your clothing...it is about fit...and knowing what works for you...and what doesn't...

here it is...by christian dior...

"much has been written about fashion, in all its aspects, but i do not think any couturier has ever before attempted to compile a dictionary on the subject.

of course, it would take volumes to cover the entire field of fashion, but i have compiled a book that i think is neither too long, so that it becomes tedious, nor too short so that is seems insufficient, and i have called it my little dictionary of fashion.

i think it should be of great practical use to the women of today.

many people dismiss haute couture as being something that is only for those who are very wealthy.

but it is possible for a woman to be elegant without spending very much money on her clothes, if she follows the basic rules of fashion and is careful to choose the clothes that suit her personality.

simplicity, good taste, and grooming are the three fundamentals of good dressing and these do not cost money.

first, you must study yourself.  learn to know what suits you and what does not.  and study your own needs.  find the colors that flatter you and emphasize your looks.  avoid the colors that do nothing for you.

choose clothes that are simple in line and pay great attention to their fit.

and above all - care for your clothes.  you cannot be well groomed if your clothes are not well cared for."

well said...mr dior...well said...

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