Friday, December 7, 2012

christmas at the rotunda...

one of my all time favorite places in the city...the rotunda in neiman imagine my excitement when announcements were made that the aici (association of image consultants international) san francisco chapter christmas party would be held there...squeal!  

i have always been fascinated by the enormous tree in the store...even more so then the one in union square...something about this tree is just SO beautiful...and every year...i need to go check it least once...maybe do they get that massive thing in the store?

the tip of the tree in the rotunda...isn't the ceiling amazing?

and yes...this was our amazing view for the evening...over looking union square on a most perfect nite...

and some of my friends and fellow colleagues...being in a room of image consultants...i knew that everyone would be looking pretty sharp in their holiday best...

we had a "fashion" ornament exchange...well not really an exchange...but a white elephant gift exchange...where the idea is to "steal" from others...rather then swap...this was the beauty i ended up with at the end of the the color...

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