Monday, February 13, 2012

you know you're from burlingame and ysl...

for those of you on might recall the popular page called "you know you're from __________ (insert your city)...which for me is burlingame, is a fun page in that random people post memories of things they remember while growing up in their individual may not know the person who is posting their memory...but it sure brings back things and places that one might have forgotten about...and in that...a good time of remembering is started...

a few weeks back...a friend that i actually went to school with (from kindergarten all the way through high school) often does that happen? ken (my friend) posted this picture with the following remarks...

You know You're from Burlingame if..."you had the hottest Kindergarten teacher in the Burlingame School district..Miss Low from Washington. Sadly, this picture doesn't have her black go go boots from story time."

of course...i laughed at the remark...i am sad to report...that i do not recall miss low's black go go boots... =)

used by permission of little girl in all grown up!

but what was so cool...was that from this remark...several started commenting on the picture...two remarks stood out to me...both from men (which makes it even more fabulous!)

creighton commented: That's a Mondrian dress on the right? Art as fashion.

christopher commented: My first thought as well, Creighton

and christopher was kind enough to include this link...for those who at this point might not have any idea as to what they were talking about...

to which i myself commented: wow...loving the fashion updates...and that the mondrian dress was brought up...quite impressive! =)

christopher then commented: I saw the original up at the De Young's Yves St. Laurent exhibit...

now that was a fabulous is a pic i took from that show (courtesy of my yves saint laurent book that i got at the exhibit...

how cool would that be if the little girl in the picture still had this dress?

"mondrian is purity and one can go no further in purity in painting. this is a purity that joins with that of the bauhaus. the masterpiece of the twentieth century is a mondrian" yves saint laurent, quoted by laurence benaim


  1. LOVE IT! I remember Mrs. Beatty from Baywood Elementary; She had a do like that! I loved my white go-go boots with matching vinyl jumper made by mom; had one in tiger fur too!

  2. karen - i loved my white go go boots as well! did you keep some of the clothing your mom made for you? i wish i had...but alas do not have any - just pictures...
