Tuesday, February 28, 2012

the closet purge...

for many...just hearing the words "closet purge" emits stress...hair-pulling...or just complete avoidance...the thing is...a closet purge is necessary...and in the long run...a stress reliever...but it is the in-between part that is hard...but if you can endure...the end result is a good one...

so what works best for you? most think a closet purge is where you take everything out of your closet...look over every item in great detail...try everything on...have your piles of what is to be discarded...donated...repaired...or...work great...so back in the closet it goes...

this is how i used to do my own closet purges...but i realized that i ended up feeling so overwhelmed...that i stopped midway...with tons of clothes everywhere...and then it went back in my closet...making my closet look more chaotic then when i started...

so...nothing was accomplished...although i have some clients that this system works for them...we devote one full day...and go through it...and every season...it gets easier and easier...because the major purge had been done...

but what if you haven't had a closet purge in oh...i don't know...many years...but you know in your heart of hearts that it needs to be done...you know...that you have no idea of everything that is lurking in your closet...because there are clothes crammed in so tight...

if the above system doesn't work...create one that does for you...baby steps...maybe you start with just your tops...or pants...(pick any category) and just go through those...

perhaps you keep a box or shopping bag close by...so in the morning...as you are getting ready...you come across an item that isn't working...take it off the hanger...and quickly put it in the box...you won't have to look at it again...and if you keep this system going...you will be surprised how quickly that box will fill up...

does this system take longer? sure...but after a month...even if you only have one box full...to donate...it is one box less of clothes that are hanging in your closet...slowly making room for the gems you love...

what is your system for cleaning out your closet?

photo source

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