Thursday, January 12, 2012

men's corner: statement shoes...

i read an interesting article this morning in the wall street journal..."spring shoes for men step brightly"...apparently...there are a lot of crazy...err...different options coming out this question is...who will take the bait? (do go to the article and watch the slide show to see all the designs...)

the shoe listed below...i can think of maybe one of my men clients who might consider these...and that is a HUGE "might" for the rest of my clients...although i am always trying to get them to step out of the box a know...find their own personal style...but shoes that have metal spikes spurting out of them...not so much...christian louboutin or not...(watch the video to see these...)

while i love the idea of giving men more options...personally...i may be wrong...but i don't see this as a trend that will take off...the article compared the shoes to that of the shoe craze from "sex and the city"...women...are always more adventurous...shall i say? with trying out new trends...

so what say you men? am i off my rocker? would you try these out? and to the ladies...would you buy these for your significant other? would love to hear your thoughts!

photo source: f. martin ramin for the wall street journal

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