Tuesday, January 3, 2012

the long and the short of it...

it cracks me up when i suggest to a friend or client...when shopping...that a skirt might look better if it was longer or shorter...depending on the skirt and person of course...and then i walk over and show them...by adjusting the length on the skirt a bit...and the person is amazed at the difference...

alterations to me...can be the difference between an ok look...and a fabulous look...when you start thinking that that skirt is made...and then tried on by say...a woman who is 5'4" and another who is 5'8"...how can that skirt stay the same length...and look good on both?

when trying on looks...like skirts...even dresses...get in the habit of going into the dressing room and playing with the lengths...this means...lifting and lowering the hemline until you find the right length for you...

and while we are at it...shoes then play a big role in this as well...when trying to decide as to which shoes to wear with a skirt or dress of a particular length...the general rule is flats for long skirts...heels for short...but you know how i feel about rules...

train your eye to look for the right hem/shoe combination...and if you aren't sure...ask a stylist and/or tailor...

photo source

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