Tuesday, October 18, 2011

a terrific coat...

ok...i know for a lot of you...you are not thinking about coats...at least not here in the bay area...as we are having some rather pretty perfect eighty degree weather kind of days...but coat season will be upon us soon...and the days will turn chilly...

and although we may not be thinking about coats...they are already filling up the stores...

as your most public piece of clothing...your coat has a lot to do not only with how warm you are but with your mood...if you feel good about how you look coming and going...you're likely to feel good when you're there...what counts as terrific is up to you...

for some women...only black will do...another woman says she'll never go through another winter without a bright coat to cheer her up...for still another it's the ultimate classic camel coat or navy polo...

a good coat is a steep investment...but keep in mind that you really do wear your coat nearly every day for maybe six months or so a year...and that a good coat should last three years minimum...that's about 350 to 400 wearings...so when you think cost per wear...a terrific one is well worth a dollar or two (or even more) per wear...

burberry brit double breasted peacoat


  1. Gorgeous coat! I cannot wait for coat weather and hope it comes to Texas soon. I have a beautiful new coat by New York Designer Jana Kos, and I cannot wait to wear it!
    This camel is beautiful as well!!

  2. hi pam - i know jana well...as i used to sell her line...beautiful fabrics...

    i'm ready to wear my fall/winter clothing...but not quite sure i'm ready for the cold weather...happens every year =) while i love the clothing...don't care for the weather change...
