Tuesday, September 13, 2011

happy 2 year...

...blogaversary to me! yep...today...two years...that truly is unreal...i still remember the thought process going through my head as to whether to start a blog or not...and here i am...2 years later...glad that i did...

and to think...i missed my 1 year blogaversary celebration...why? because i was having much to much fun this time last year in new york...

i think the most amazing part of having this blog...has been all the wonderful people that i have met through it...some face to face...others...just through social media contact...but yet...i can call them friends...

thank you one and all...for stopping by...catching a bit of fashion tidbits...leaving your comments...and then coming back again for more!

now to get me a piece of that chocolate cake...and really celebrate!