Monday, August 8, 2011

hanging onto useless items...

over the years...i've seen many closets...some small...some medium...some huge...some very orderly...some...not so much...and with these closets...comes the time where things need to be thrown out......

when you're cleaning out your closet...what to save is usually more obvious than what to toss...but hanging onto useless items can blind you to the real gaps in your wardrobe by giving you the illusion of plenty...clothes...clothes everywhere...and not a thing to wear...

i thought i would share with you my list of all those items that finally and absolutely deserve to die...yes die...

white shirts with yellowed armpits, brown cuffs, and ring around the may love white shirts...and it may be hard to admit when one has met with terminal dinge...and don't use the excuse that "i'll keep my jacket on" come deserve better then that...

the perfectly nice piece that makes you feel fat or ugly...whether the color is wrong...or it's the wrong style...give it to someone else who will appreciate it...and then move on to that perfectly nice piece that make you feel fabulous...

gifts that were never you...we all get them...the well-intentioned lacy blouse or lime green polyester dress that we'd try to avoid wearing if they were the last clothes one earth...and yet...we keep them...thinking we'll put them on when the giver comes to visit...or maybe we think...that if we throw them out...the giver will be angry...come on..really?

the item you bought when you were deranged and have never seen fit to wear...we all make mistakes...but if a few years go by and your mistake still seems entirely like one...let it go...and rid yourself of the reminder...

that beautiful silk blouse with the big grease stain on the may be a fairly new piece in your wardrobe...but if in fact it has been ruined...why hold on to it? better to throw it up for a new one...and be more careful...

the skirt or pants that only fit for two you really need a constant reminder that for one brief shining moment you actually wore a size 4?

those stretched out, holey, or saggy socks, hose, underwear...out...once and for all...with those droopy drawers, baggy bras, worn-out socks, and tights with the crotch that always ends up at your knees...

and finally...

the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth set of old clothes you're saving to wear when you paint the house...yes...while it is smart to hang on to tattered tee shirts and jeans for sloppy jobs around the you really need an entire house-painting wardrobe?

can you think of any others? please feel free to share in the comments...

photo source


  1. "he third, fourth, fifth, and sixth set of old clothes you're saving to wear when you paint the house...yes...while it is smart to hang on to tattered tee shirts and jeans for sloppy jobs around the you really need an entire house-painting wardrobe? " -- HA HA! So true!

    Funnily enough, the Pucci top I'm wearing in today's post, which I bought in 2005/2006 -- I never wore it till this year :-)

  2. wendyb - i saw that pucci top when i read your post earlier...i would never give that up =)

    yes...the painting wardrobe actually happened...and i had one client who had the most incredible "hiking" wardrobe...and when i asked her how often she went...she said once or twice a year...she wanted to be prepared...and yet she desperately needed room in her was time to remove a years worth of hiking stuff...and keep one or two...

  3. lol at the yellow armpits! but, it happens so quickly... i feel like i need to buy white shirts once i week.

    hmmm, maybe i just sweat a lot!

  4. stacy - haha...i just can't do it...even though they are clean...i would feel like they weren't...

  5. The projects! The dress that needs a hem, but never gets one because is accordian pleats, the pants that would fit perfectly if only you took them in, slimmed down the leg and hemmed them, the blouse that you love but needs a new armhole cut and the bust darts completely redone....I confess to only one set of painting clothes.

  6. the end of those projects will bring you lots of new outfits... =) good confession btw... =)
