Wednesday, August 24, 2011


i want to wear color...but don't know where to start...this of course...would not be i live for wearing color...but i do understand that for some this is a challenge...not to can be done...

yes...i love color...but for me...color is extremely personal...some of you might be relying heavily on those color charts that were popular years case you're not familiar with these...a consultant determines your "color type" according to a number of factors...including skin tone...the resulting chart displays an extensive array of colors in all tones...there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a color chart...but it's not an unbreakable rule...

buy clothing within the two color families that attract you...for instance...shades of blue and brown...i've found that limiting myself to two distinctive color palettes allows me to wear all my clothing seamlessly together...that way...i don't have an overwhelming set of color options to choose from that don't play well together...

when i suggest buying in a limited palette...i am not referring to buying multiple versions of the same pieces of clothing in different hues...i want you to fill your wardrobe with pieces in interesting and diverse shapes and styles that compliment each other while sticking with shades in your two palettes...

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