Monday, July 18, 2011

what to do with the clothes that don't fit...

i was speaking to one of my clients recently...and she was telling me about the best part of the closet assessment that we had worked on together...client "c" had some clothes that did not fit...but...she was not willing to get rid of i had suggested that we at least move them on to another closet...she was aggreable to we started shifting around the clothes that needed to be moved out to the other closet...and re-arranged her main closet to only house the clothes that fit her perfectly...

why did i suggest the clothing be moved?

i am a firm believer that getting dressed in the morning...well it shouldn't be some long excruciating why set yourself up each morning to stare blankly at the clothes that don't fit sure is not going to make you feel good about yourself...and...the mere fact that the clothes don't fit...they will not be an why have them hanging with the clothes that are an option...

but...i also believe that each individual needs to be honest & realistic with themselves...if you are watching what you eat...and exercising...truly working on a goal that is achievable...then by all the clothes...

if...on the other are looking at a range of about 5 to 6 dress sizes...chances would be best to start letting go of that size you were once at...

wouldn't it be better to be looking your best at your current weight? it is just a number...and when an outfit matter what size it is a fabulous outfit...

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