Monday, July 25, 2011

change the way you look at it...

...your clothes...that is...

one of the things i hear the most from clients & the boredom that is felt when one looks at the items in their closets...why do you think that is?

recently...i spoke at a ladies luncheon...and the title of my presentation was..."the abc's of shopping in your closet..." in this presentation...i brought some of my own clothes...and showed the i take one jacket...and change the look of

...changing the jewelry...
...changing the tops i wear with it...
...changing the shoes...
...changing the jeans/skirts/pants...

what more could be done?

...adding a scarf...
...mixing patterns...
...and repeating all these steps...over and over again...

so why do i like this procedure? dreaming up new combinations can be so much fun...your wardrobe grows...and grows...and grows...and the best part? how can you get bored when you are wearing a piece of clothing 5+ new ways?

bottom line...not everyone can afford to go out and buy new clothes all of the time...although just thinking about it makes me all giddy...but back to most likely...already have everything you need right in front of you...

you just have to change the way you look at start with one piece...a favorite piece...go through your closet...and really think outside the many outfits can you make for that one piece? i think you will be amazed at the possibilities...

and if this is difficult....hire a wardrobe could be the best money you spend...

and then...when you have mastered some grand combo's...share them in the comment section...and inspire some other women...

photo source

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