Monday, June 20, 2011

window display: singer explosion...

you know how an object or place will remind you of days gone by? or possibly a loved one? whenever i see an old singer sewing machine...i am completely bought back to memories of my grandma juliana...baba is what we called her...i have so many memories of sitting with her as she told me stories...or asked about my day...or asked about my dreams...all while she sat at her singer sewing machine...

i remember vividly as if it were just yesterday...her feet so skillfully manuevering the she sewed away...without a thought towards it...she has been gone many many years...and i miss her...alot...i was lucky enough to receive that very same singer sewing machine that she owned...which i cherish...truly...

so as my brother and sister-in-law...headed to seattle, eventually board a cruise line and take off to alaska (i know...rough life...) they came across this store...

here is a close-up of what caught their eye...

a singer beauty...

this store is not only filled with them from ground up to ceiling...but on the left side of the literally 100's of singer sewing machines...

storefront "allsaints spitalfields"

closer view of front of store


  1. Thank you so much for commenting on my blog yesterday. Your kind words of encouragement mean the world to me. I look forward to sharing vintage with you for years to come!

    My grandmother had the same Singer machine and I learned to sew sitting by her side. I miss her dearly, but her legacy lives on with me.

  2. you are most welcome jody - glad to hear that you will continue blogging...

    how wonderful that your grandmothers legacy lives on through you!
