Thursday, June 16, 2011

do you know what works for you?

when i meet someone...for a networking event...and they ask me what i do...and they hear "wardrobe consultant"...more times then not...the next thing that happens is a critique of what they are wearing...why they chose that outfit...although it is not the best choice...and this critique does not come from me...but from the person wearing the clothes...and what comes next...most people usually tell me that they don’t know what looks good on them...or that they are constantly in a rush...and don't have time to worry about what to wear...sound familiar?

impulse purchases usually take place because in the person's mind...they are thinking that “that’s as good as it’s going to get”...they may really like the color or pattern of an item...or perhaps...they get it just because it’s in fashion...

the fact is most men and women have a vague sense of what looks good on them and what doesn’t...the problem is that many don’t know they reasons why something works for them or doesn’’s crucial for people to understand their body shape...body type...coloring...personality requirements and fashion...

and this is the reason why i highly recommend not only a closet audit...but a full wardrobe and style analysis...they are great foundations to helping you! in having this kind of will also save hundreds of dollars, time and of will understand what works best for you...your personality...and lifestyle...which in turn will make you feel current...strong...fabulous...chic and confident...

and the best part? you won't need to have the time to worry about what to wear...because everything you have will coincide with your life & lifestyle...a win-win...

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