Monday, April 18, 2011

travel = shopping...

for the most part...i shop wherever i travel...i see it as an essential part of any trip...and although i did my fill of shopping this last weekend in houston, was all for a client...i'm talking about shopping for myself...and i couldn't believe that i ended up having no time for that...i would have liked to have found some vintage shops...or boutique shops...but was not meant to be...

which made me think of a conversation i had with some of my girlfriends a few weeks back...same while traveling...i was surprised that it didn't seem to be the "norm" least in this group...

now when i would travel out of the was always a given that i would get something to bring back with me as a remembrance of my trip...when i told them the story of my trip to australia...where i brought back not one...but two pairs of the most incredible stiletto's...and i still have them today...while most (i guess) would be picking up something that was specific to australia...i opted for shoes...which seems like such a normal thing to do...

i think one of the reasons i love to shop while the ability to find unique items...but much more than's finding the things you never knew you needed...maybe that is a stretch for some...but while some grab snow globes...or shot glasses...i'll continue to opt for a new pair of shoes...perhaps a blouse...whatever that item will be that is oh so perfect for me...

do you make shopping a part of your travels?

photo source


  1. Oh yes, I love to find unique pieces that will always remind me of the places I've visited. Wearable souvenirs are the best kind!

  2. deja pseu - you and i definately think alike...btw...well said..wearable souvenirs =)
