Friday, December 31, 2010

the last day of 2010...

well here we are...the last day of 2010...and the last day of yet another decade...phew...time sure does fly...and my year ended with a "stylish blogger award" which i am SO excited about...and will write more about it next week...

this is the time of year...that most...are thinking back on the year...some are kissing it good-bye...others...well...just see it as another big change...

for is a time to think about what was done...the wonderful memories made...the new friends met...some friends from long those that have remained steadfast in my life...for those...i am ever grateful...

and as a fashion is also time to think about one of my favorite questions this time of year...what is your new year's "fashion" resolution? this is something that i will share later once i have some tell me what your "new" addition will be this coming year...

will it be to wear more color? less black? more black? a new lisptick color? a full fashion over-haul? whatever "yours" will be...please just might inspire others to take a step out of the comfortable...the mundane...and try something new...

but mostly today...i want to thank all my faithful have inspired me to keep writing about something i am so passionate about...thank you for your encouragement...your comments along the way...your emails...

wishing you a safe & fabulous new year...may it continue to be ever stylish!

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cheers to a fabulous 2011!

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1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year luv! I've got to put some thought into my fashion resolution... I'll get back to you!
