as i'm always is important to "shop in your closet" - especially if you have a huge closet...packed with clothes...that you don't wear...what could be better then some free shopping? make it a habit to work in new outfits with your existing pieces...
another reason though...for shopping in your that by creating outfits with your existing will notice the gaps...perhaps you need a good pair of dress pumps to help "step up" your suits...maybe you are discovering that although your suits are certainly wearable...none are making you truly happy and you'd like to update that part of your wardrobe completely...or maybe your favorite cream silk shell is starting to look too worn with your newer suits...if so...make a note on your shopping list to replace it...
maybe a cotton cardigan sweater you typically wear with a white t-shirt and jeans in the spring and summer can be winterized for the cooler months by wearing it with a turtleneck and some casual corduroy you assemble new outfits...note the missing pieces...
there is nothing like being in the privacy of your own home to test out new fashion concepts and see for yourself where your gaps go closet dress-up in your closet on a regular basis...especially when you'd like to shift wardrobe dollars to another area of your life...
when you are done shopping in your should have some new outfits to wear and a list of items to purchase...when you look over this list...keep your budget in mind...and set priorities if you don't have a lot to spend...this will allow you to clearly prioritize your shopping dollars later...
your primary goal when shopping in your closet is to make the most out of what you own...your secondary goal is to recognize what items to purchase to complete your wardrobe...
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