Wednesday, June 30, 2010

you had me at hello: links and tassels...

so last week while i was getting my hair done...i was flipping through the "o" magazine...and just as it always happens...when i find that "you had me at hello" piece...i turned the page...and there it was...these "you had me at hello" pieces truly do make me stop...and stare...for longer then normal...

side note: yes...there are a few magazines that i do not subscribe mailman thanks me...i'm sure...

well...wouldn't you know that happened in this july issue of "o" magazine...a beautiful piece that has two of my favorite things...links and tassels...and bonus...when in gold...

doesn't it look vintage? do you think that wills it to happen? sure hope so...this is a piece that would go with SO much...with just enough personality...

this trina turk art deco inspired necklace definately had me at hello...