Tuesday, June 22, 2010

size doesn't matter...

there are moments when we throw up our hands and shake our heads in defeat...these times often occur while we leaf through fashion magazines full of perfect bodies in perfect clothes...we know those women are airbrushed...but somehow that doesn't make us feel any better...

then again...there are the other times when we catch a glimpse of ourselves looking fabulous...we are amazed...others comment on our radiance...and chances are...we are wearing something that makes sense...for our body...consciously or unconsciously...we have considered which parts need the spotlight...and which ones would be better off left backstage...we've pulled a few other tricks out of the bag as well...standing a little straighter...touching up our makeup...and fixing our hair...but the bottom line is that we know we look great...and that's a good feeling...

my hope is that more women feel like the latter...unfortunately...most don't...whether it is because of that last 10 lbs...or maybe you are an average women in the sz 12 to 14 category...



clothes are not your enemy...in fact...they could be the missing key...at any size...and really...at any budget...if you buy the clothes that are right for your body type...there is a bigger chance of feeling like the latter...really...

need some help with that? a stylist can help...and ultimately save you money...by helping you buy the things that are right for you...for your body...

photo credit


  1. So true! It's all about finding what works for you. We ALL have complaints about our bodies and none of us are perfect so it's all about accentuating the positive and covering up the negative!
