Tuesday, May 25, 2010

8 simple closet tips...

i am sure there could be a lot more tips to add for the cleaning of a closet...but...i say...since for some this task can be quite overwhelming...the simpler the better...

consider shelf life: if you never wear it...apply the twelve-month rule...and recycle (or consign)...if you must...allow yourself a few exceptions...

discern: be ruthless...or bring in a ruthless friend...preferably one whose style you admire...

document: borrow a camera and document outfits you come up with...

fill gaps: list what you need...and buy accordingly...

organize: redesign your closet so you can see everything...and group things...whether by size...color...or use...in a way that makes sense to you...

restore order: make your closet a haven of order and function...there can be method to the madness....you just have to impose it...try on outfits in front of a full-length mirror...weed out what no longer fits...determine what you reach for daily and give it prime real estate...

recycle: keep a box on the floor for thrift-shop donations...

party: when the purge is finished...invite friends over for a give-away...it may help to know that someone you like is wearing a beloved item...

and if this truly is something that is overwhelming...and you find yourself avoiding it at all costs...it may be well worth the money spent to bring in a consultant to help you make sense of your closet again...i can assure you going forward...you will be happy your closet is in order...


  1. Maybe I'm a weirdo... I love reorganizing my closet! But, the hardest part is throwing things out. I've gotten better though. I definitely have gotten more ruthless. My rule is... if it still has the tag on it, pitch it!
    If I haven't worn it yet, I probably never will.

  2. that is definately a good rule...i think a lot of people get stuck on "how much i paid for it" even though they aren't wearing the item...they hold on to it for that reason...i have been guilty of that...but now...i say...get rid of it...move on...it is not like you are re-cooping your $$ as it hangs in your closet...right?
