Monday, February 1, 2010

of a certain age...

about a week ago i attended a weekend long conference for aici (association of image consultants)...i knew going into it that i would walk away with some great new ideas...and a refresher...which is always good...added to that...i met some pretty incredible women (and men) that, obviously...being in the same business...brought about some wonderful conversations, tips, ideas...etc...

and then...there are the new friendships and relationships that are of which was first interaction with karen was me walking out of the conference room...hearing someone behind me saying "leopard coat...leopard coat" to which i turned around...and karen says "i NEED to take a picture with you...i love your outfit"

who wouldn't love an introduction like that? so here we our first pic together...of course...i was lusting after karen's outfit as well...her top she got in! don't you love how she put her outfit together? so chic!

over the weekend...karen & i spent a lot of time chatting it up...come to find out...she has got an excellent blog...of a certain age...and she is a fabulous writer...i highly recommend hopping over to her blog...with humor and relevance...she brings the reader in...

as karen & i spoke further...we came up with several that "what a small world" kind of way...she is two years younger than me...we went to the same high school...and we know alot of the same

karen wrote a nice post about me...lovingly called it "a fabulous new kid on the blog"...thank you karen!

throughout the weekend - the more we talked...the more we realized how alike we were...that i basically started saying that she was my sister from another mother...and by the end of the weekend...well...we were fast friends...


  1. Wow, my tummy looks large in that first photo! hee hee...This is nuts, I see my MOM is one of your Facebook Fans!!! WHAT???? She lives in San Mateo! Do you know her or is this just a weird coincidence??? XOXO

  2. thank you stacy!

    karen - are you serious?? your mom? that is about extra small world!!
    and you look fab...period...
