Monday, January 4, 2010

men's corner: what style say you?

men...are you modern, trendy or updated traditional?

modern = your taste is current, but not flashy. your clothing makes a statement, but a subtle one. you always look polished, even when you don’t have to...

updated traditional = you like to look good, but don't let clothes get in your way. you appreciate quality, value and function. you take the basics and make them your own...

trendy = you like fashion, and you're not afraid to admit it. you see clothing as another visual medium — like art, architecture or film. so why not get creative?

i came across this lovely quiz from to help you out!

tom julian who wrote a lovely book entitled "nordstrom guide to men's style" says the following...

"it's probably not hard to get you talking about your car, your phone, your home, or your golf clubs...for some reason though, many men have difficulty articulating when asked to describe their is like fingerprints - no two people's are the same..

style can be hard to discuss and define, probably because great style involves a certain degree of effortlessness...but think of it this way: style is everywhere - in the cars we drive, in the music we listen to, in the phones we when thought of as a series of design choices, not fashion for fashion's sake, style isn't intimidating at fact, many of us derive pleasure from the latest new thing, whether it's an HDTV or a new pair of sneakers - and you can get that same kick from building your wardrobe...

it may be easier to think of style as lifestyle - not just the way you approach your clothes, but also the way you approach everything else...applying your life philosophy to the way you dress integrates your personality into your clothing and enables you to effortlessly adapt the contents of your closet from work to play to weekend."

well said tom julian! you know what style you are? take the quiz...and let me know...and as always...if you need help getting outfits together...i am here to help... =) it is what i do!

styles as listed in "nordstrom guide to men's style"

luxury = you enjoy being well put together. you appreciate the tradition, skill, and craftmanship involved in making and wearing tailored clothing. quality is important to you - you want to build a head-to-toe wardrobe that will last. you want to look good without your clothes shouting "look at me!" your clothing choices portray a quiet confidence...

classic = your wardrobe is a collection of great staples. you think about clothes in terms of what they can do for you. you don't want your clothing to get in your way. you appreciate quality, value, and function. you take the basics and make them your own...

contemporary = you have a modern approach to fashion, expressing your own personal style through your wardrobe - but you never say anything too off-the-wall. you want to be current but not flashy...

trend = you like fashion and you're not afraid to admit it. fashion is just another visual medium - like art or architecture or film - so why not stay on top of things? you are able to make edgy fashion choices look easy, hip, and cool. you're skilled at translating the runway into real life...


  1. This is a great post and I wish more men would actually take the time to think about what they wear. More importantly, they need to look at themselves before they leave the house! Sometimes guys look so sloppy - I see it every day on the subway. I'm so tempted to fix them!

  2. I hope lots of men see this (I'm going to RT it), most so do need help! My husband is one of them, but he's a rare breed, he actually recognizes his shortfalls and loves getting help, in fact he defers to me on everything! Maybe one day he'll get it himself but for now he's not confident on his own. I think they choices overwhelm him. In my experience guys tend to get defensive if you suggest something different, either because they're afraid of change or inside they're screaming 'You can't control me!' I always joke that when I met my husband he was wearing 'Trotsky' jeans - a style from Gap called 'the worker'. They were kind of a painter style but I joked they were left over from Communist Russia. Glad those days are gone! ♥

  3. stacy - i agree...there have been many times i have seen a guy (and even some women) on the street...and i wanted to pull a "what not to wear" makeover on them!
    denise - your hubby is lucky to have you...i have a friend (male) who will buy only after he has asked about 2 sales people what they think...even over me...hello...this is what i i finally enlightened him about "some" not all sales people saying whatever just to get the sale...the fun part is having him come back and tell me how many compliments he gets on the items that i picked out for him... =) i do agree that a lot of men are just afraid to ask for help...which is unfortunate...but for those willing to get help...i am available and happy to help...
    thanks for your comments ladies...
