i spent the last three days at an aici (association of image consultants)conference...what a great educational conference! the classes were incredible...and i was able to meet some fabulous women and men...from other parts of the states as well as other countries...all with the same passion that i have in making my clients look their best...
every class ended with me walking away with so much information and tips/tools to use with my business...and more importantly with my clients...
i have to say...the one class that i truly could have sat for hours more to listen and learn from...was on the history of haute couture and its influence today...taught by melissa leventon, who is a professor at the california college of the arts in the fashion design and visual studies department...her master's degree from the university of london is in the history of art/history of dress...she has curated costume collections at museums around the world...
a few months back i posted on what is haute couture...i have to admit that the whole history of it...and even more...the making of it completely fascinates me...
and melissa had fabulous pictures... =)
i came across this clip in the making of chanel couture...sometimes comments and such are made in the pricing of garments...not necessarily couture...but even in just a good quality jacket...for example...often times...people do not realize the work behind the scenes that happen to make a quality piece of a garment...i have seen this same attitude in jewelry..in fact...wendy brandes wrote an exceptional blog post on get smart (about manufacturing) with several links to prior posts she did along the same lines...
you want good quality...you are going to need to spend a little more...
take a look at this fun clip...in the making of a chanel couture...how fascinating is that??
Cheers to haute couture and to the lovely Gabrielle (Coco) Chanel.
ReplyDeleteI loved that! Those are some skillful, skillful hands at work. And wasn't that marking device the coolect thing? The sequins and beads. OMG.
ReplyDeletei know...crazy how detailed...i could NEVER do that work...gotta have a lot of patience...but the end result shows the hard work and dedication!
ReplyDeleteanother reason why chanel is oh so fabulous!
Glad you liked my post! Thanks for the mention.
ReplyDeletewendy - you are most welcome...it was a "spot on" post...