Wednesday, January 20, 2010

all puffed up in down...

my favorite section of the ny times is the fashion & style (big surprise...right?) and of course...i can never get enough of bill cunningham "on the street"...he basically rides his bicycle around ny city and captures people and fashion on the streets of ny (yes...i would love that job)

this last week bill cunningham did a segment on puffed coats...i have to admit...i did not realize there were so many different styles out on the streets...but the pictures prove otherwise...and he tells the history of the first down coat...interesting listen...

i seem to have been surrounded by this theme of puffed i've read about them in different favorite being taffetadarlings AND the lovely stacy from taffetadarlings even posted a pic of herself in her puffy coat...even though she had a bad dinner experience...doesn't she look adorable?

our weather here in northern california does not really get cold enough to warrant the need for a puffy coat...but if it did...i would be sporting that red number in bill cunningham's video...nice pop of color on a gloomy grey day...

speaking of being surrounded by talks of puffed girlfriend treated herself for christmas & news year's by traveling to italy...(i know...can you stand it?) and she said that it was strange to see the puffed coats in almost every store front window...

hmmm...guess it is all the you like??

photo by italy!


  1. Thanks for the "shout-out" darling! And I totally missed that NY Times piece, thanks for sharing. Isn't Bill just the best? Such an icon and such a nice man. I'm so jealous of your girlfriend, but what a nice gift she gave herself!!

  2. anytime stacy! i was glad to share your piece...and yes...i love bill...he seems like a nice man...and you can just feel his excitement as he is talking...
    as far as my girlfriend lorena...yeah...i was pretty jealous too...but i was so happy that she got to go...the pics were amazing...
    one day...perhaps... =)

  3. Living in Colorado, all I see are puffed coats! A cute coat makes or breaks your image on the ski runs! ;)

  4. lipstick chick - that is what i've heard about ski fashion...haha =)
