so...i thought i would let you know...
a closet brimming with possibilities...
the allure is hard to resist for the modern man & woman...
but most of our closets are full of almost - not quite right - basics...
with so many choices, getting dressed actually can be stressful, a time waster and an energy zapper...for most of us, we wear only a small percentage of what is in our closet...
if you can relate to and answer yes to any of these questions, you owe yourself some!
do you agonize over what to wear?
do you feel you have nothing to wear to special events?
do you change outfits two or three times?
do you find it difficult to accessorize your outfits?
basically, do your clothes say what you want them to say about you?
do you feel great in every outfit you wear?
the closet audit will pare down in every category; only pieces that fit right now, that are in the best quality fabrics and in the best condition...the result will be a closet of wardrobe pieces that work today, look fabulous and suit your lifestyle...
you should be able to be dressed for any occasion in 5 minutes...
less stress, more time, more energy!
as your professional fashion and wardrobe consultant, i offer this service to my approximately 3 hours, together we can clean out and organize your closet to allow you a delightful experience in the process of getting dressed every day!
please contact me to schedule your closet audit today! and if you are not in the california bay area...look up a consultant that could help times this "project" can seem overwhelming...but a good keen set of eyes can make all the difference...
"Creating a stylish unique image is often the key to positive self-esteem and success in both business and social spheres."

I do a closet audit about once every other month. It's AMAZING what I forget I have! Plus, cleaning out means making room for more! :)
now that is impressive...i don't even do a closet audit that often...but i agree...great to find those forgotten pieces...and mixing them with newer stress is always good!