Tuesday, November 24, 2009

from a.m. to p.m...

tis the season...more so than throughout the year...functions after a long workday...no time to go home and change...what to do??

a few evening accessories can transform a tailored suit from work day to night play...

a.m...it's early to work, and you don't want to think about what to wear...you have a meeting, a presentation, and interview on your mind...you reach for your fail-safe uniform...a well-tailored and sensibly cut suit...pants finish it off? or perhaps a skirt...skirt length? to the knee...color? nuetral...a white shirt adds crispness and flatters your coloring...accessories? classic, of course, with the quiet confidence good quality bestows on any object: it leaves you and your work in the starring roles...and you still have time to eat breakfast with your kids...

p.m...the transformation: from the office to a dinner party...hang up the jacket and the white shirt...you have an evening blouse that would work...you also can consider wearing the jacket over nothing but a strand of pearls...or perhaps a camisole...in the end, you decide on a beaded evening sweater for extra glitter, and besides...it's easy to pack in your work tote...don't forget to jazz up your earrings, trade in the tote for an evening bag...and dress up the heels...add a little perfume and perhaps some red lipstick...presto!

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